
Wajir Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd, (WAJWASCO) was incorporated in 2013 under the companies Act 2002 (cap.486). The company is currently regulated by WASREB, through a Service Provision Agreement (SPA) in 30/09/2014 to provide water supply and sewerage services within Wajir Town and its environs. The County Government of Wajir has appointed WAJWASCO as a Water Services Provider (WSP) for the whole of Wajir County.

Launch Of Emergency Water Trucking By H.e The Governor

Wajir Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd, (WAJWASCO) was incorporated in 2013 under the companies Act 2002 (cap.486). The company is currently regulated by WASREB, through a Service Provision Agreement (SPA) in 30/09/2014 to provide water supply and sewerage services within Wajir Town and its environs. The County Government of Wajir has appointed WAJWASCO as a Water Services Provider (WSP) for the whole of Wajir County.

The company is wholly owned by the County Government of Wajir and governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Associations.

The new institution framework for the sector under the COK 2010 is been guided and informed by the following provisions of the constitution:

  1. Article 62 of the new constitution which provides for water source (“Water catchment area”, “all rivers, lakes and other water bodies as defined by an Act of Parliament”) to be vested in and beheld by national government in trust for the people of Kenya and be administered on their behalf by the National Land Commission.
  2. Article 43 which entrenches water as constitutional rights by establishing a rights to “responsible standard of sanitation” and “clean and safe water in adequate quantities” and Article 21 which places an obligation on the government to take steps to progressively realized this right.
  3. Articles 6, 174, 175 and 176 which creates a system of devolved government with a two-tier system of government comprising of National and County government. Pursuant to this, the functions of the sector are located between the two tiers of government. The responsibility to manage water resources is retained by the National Government but the responsibility to provide water supply and sanitation services is allocated to County government. The function of “Public investment” is a located to National government but at the same time, County government has the responsibility for “public works”.

The company shall be functioning under the county government but within the national water polices so as to ensure provision of adequate, safe, clean and affordable water and decent sanitation to the community.