The Managing Director Wajwasco together with Wajwasco Board of Directors Madam Dahaba Hussein Madey and Amina Bille had a 2 day familiarization tour to various water schemes across the county. Among the schemes/boreholes toured include Griftu, Eldas, Anole, Buna, Korondile, Bute, Sarman and Tarbaj water works infrastructure.

The team also visited some of the projects implemented under the Ward Based Development Projects, a development flagship project of H.E Governor Mohamed Abdi Mohamud.

As a water Service Provider, we find it very useful in utilizing these existing infrastructure on the ground built through the WBDP flagship project. The Board of Directors commended the Department of Water Resource for the good work done.

Under the leadership of H.E the Governor, Wajwasco plans to do 6,000 more household connections under this financial year as part of his Legacy in the water sector.